Civility for All Foundation (CFAF) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on Health, Educational, Consulting and Communicational Solutions.
(CFAF) is cofounded by Dr. Sid Liufau, MTC, CIT, HCC and Dr. Rozita Lee, MTC, HCC.
CFAF is supported and accredited by (ICN) IChange Nations creator and founder HRH Sir Dr. Clyde Rivers. Dr. Rivers a theology and philosophy graduate of Utah University. Dr. Rivers known as the World Civility Ambassador and Co-Founder of the United Graduates College Seminary International.
CFAF Zoom & Meeting Civility Curriculums. Basic fundamentally Intro #101 taught collectively through Dr. Clyde Rivers Civility “When Histories Collide” and Dr. Sid Liufau’s Gapculogy.
Our goal is to offer Data and Resource Solutions that consults, instructs, provide and extends bridges of safe space to allow peace in the public square to ALL Communities.
Civility for all community platform of information data, diplomatic dialogue, resource tools are designed to access solutional data from to Federal, State, County, City and personal links via website: Civilityforallfoundation.com to benefit the needs of the individuals, families and worldwide communities.
CFAF Civility bylaws and elected board members and chair committees agreed to abide by moral, ethical and principal code of conduct.
Our Mission is a four-phase Humanitarian contribution.
- to consult, train, educate and promote cultural and generational communicational health care awareness solutional resources to all communities locally and globally. And to resolve issues by offering expert national and community solutions.
Where the complex communicational issues and concerns of division, conflict, contention and hate crimes that result affecting communication civil distress, erupted from forums of public or private entities of government, work, business, cultures, tribes, villages, group forums or individual anti-views that causes humanitarian crisis and discourse.
2. Offer Hero’s & Shero’s Community Excellence Award Recognitions
3. Recommend the Extraordinary Hero’s & Shero’s for the UGCSI Award to Create their Civility Platform.
Honorary Award: It is about Evidence & Results
CFAF offers communities extraordinary people, recognized as hero’s and shero’s of life’s evidence and results humanitarian awards. The CFAF Education and Awards is overseen by the board of directors President Dr. Sid Liufau, Hawaii Advisor Dr. Rozita Lee, American Mexican Advisor Dr. Elvira Serrena, American Samoa Advisor Dr. Motusi Alston and Chinese American Advisor Becky Wu. The ICN UGCSI Honorary Awards is over seen by Dr. Clyde Rivers, Dr. Robin Lococo and Chancellor Michael Pitzl.
4. Polynesian Cultural Education, Etiquette & Performances. (501C3)