Dr. Sid Liufau – MTC, CIT, HHC: President
Email: Sidliufau.cfaf@gmail.com or, liufau2000@yahoo.com
2022 Dr. Sid Liufau God and Family above all. Dr. Liufau is firm on extending out his hand to find civility solutions for all. An Honorary Doctorate in UGCSI and recognized accredited by the World ICN Civility platform. 2023 Co-Founded and President of Civility for All Foundation, Nonprofit Organization. 2022-2024 Book Aurthor “Gapculogy” bridging the gaps between cultures and generations. “Civility for All: Unleashing the Powers of Civility for the Next Generation.” and “Stuck Between the Rock and a Hard Place.” 2021-2022 President of (APIC) Asian Pacific Island Council during the pandemic. API Community Youth Advocate for Anxiety, Stress and Depression Disorders. 2014-2023 Owner and Director of Polywood Entertainment Polynesian dance production. 2024-2018. LVCVA (CTS) trained: First responders. DHS certifications in international tourism safety. DHS Center for domestic preparedness. FEMA Emergency and crowd control management certified. LV certified (CIT) crisis intervention training. (Recognizing disorders.) 2014-15 3-D Public Relations Liaison. 1989-91 Chicago, Illinois Labor of Love Christian Mission. 25-years SAG-producer, actor & stuntman. (IMDB).
Dr. Rozita Lee – Global Natural Medicine Rep, MTC: Senior Advisor
Dr. Rozita Villanueva Lee Faith in God and family is first. She is a humanitarian, a beacon of light who fights for Filipino Americans in various community planning. Honorary Doctorate in UGCSI and recognized accredited by the World ICN Civility platform. 2023 Dr. Lee is recognized as the World Humanitarian Civility Director. She serves as Chairperson and Co-created Civility for All Foundation Nonprofit Organization. 1997, she joined the local NaFFAA chapter. Dr. Lee periodically spearheads AAPIs to register and vote in local and federal elections. The AAPI community immigration reform and compensation for Filipino WWII veterans. Flies to Washington DC often to speak with legislators and federal officials about community issues. In 2010-2014, was hand-picked as commissioner to the White House Initiative on AAPIs. Dr. Lee is one of two American Filipinos who were part of the commission that was tasked to help improve the quality of life of AAPIs. University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) degree in Communication. Hawaiian Civic Group Leader as well as the Ilocano American Association of Nevada. Brought local issues to the national level finding solutions. 20+ years. Dr. Lee produced a Polynesian entertainment show at the Imperial Palace that contributed to educating millions of Polynesian cultures and boosted the Las Vegas economy creating employment and revenue. Lastly and certainly not least, the City of Las Vegas honored Dr. Rozita Lee with a work business street on the south westside of Las Vegas named after her recognizing and immolating Dr. Lee’s life’s work and accomplishments.
Dr. Elvira Serrano: Treasurer
As a successful Architects professional bringing 25+ years of planning, building, strategies and operations experience. Dr. Serrano brings real life experiences that warrants her professional services as the Civility for All Foundation nonprofit organization including trust, integrity, honesty as a Treasurer. CFAF welcomes the opportunity to utilize Dr. Serrano skills to make a difference within a rewarding and self-fulfilling organization for years to come. The bottom line is that ‘People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care’ that we must build on those foundations.
Dr. Motusi Alston: Advisor
Dr. Motusi brings real life experiences that warrants her professional services as a business owner and serving on multiple community boards. Business director of travel and entrepreneur of business entertainment development and marketing. Dr. Motusi or Tusi as called by friends has graced the statewide Nevada community with her entertainment company as owner and co-director of the Heart of Polynesia Polynesian Entertainment sharing the cultural songs, dances and education. She joins the Civility for All Foundation nonprofit organization bringing her wealth of experiences and well-respected humanitarian views.
Dr. Michael Wong: Advisor
Dr. Wong a 20-year veteran of Military service to this great American country. A hostess business Entrepeneur brings real life experiences of professional services for multiple community restaurant business development and marketing. Hawaiian Mike as called by friends has perpetuated the importance of giving back to the community. Through the decades Dr. Mike has served on several nonprofit organization bringing community experiences and well-respected humanitarian views. Mike has taken his life changing physical limitations experiences in a wheelchair and has shown limitations has an unlimited view. Dr. Mike and Dr. Sid has been focusing on developing cultural changes for the homeless, veterans and mental healthcare through Civility Community Opportunities.
Dr. Becky Wu: Advisor
Dr. Wu a wife, mother and person of serve. She has served on multiple community nonprofit organization boards. her professional experience as a realtor helps her business community development in her Chinese cultural etiquette and cultural education. Dr. Wu has served on multiple nonprofit organizational boards sharing her experiences and well-respected humanitarian views.